

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” ~ Acts 20:35

With GotYourBack, we send you 24 backpacks, you fill them with practical supplies, then donate to a local outreach organization. It’s that easy!

GotYourBack is all about inspiring individuals and ecclesias to get involved in making a difference. By engaging with at-risk teens and young adults, either directly or through a local outreach group, you have the amazing opportunity to change the trajectory of a life. Meeting basic needs through the provision of practical supplies can help to alleviate some of the day-to-day stress and anxiety associated with homelessness and insecurity, allowing teens to focus on long-term goals such as education, employment and housing. Plus, when teens know they have the support of their community, it provides a boost of hope and motivation. When interacting with front-line volunteers and organizations, they get to meet positive role models and potential mentors, which can further encourage them to pursue a better future.

Participation in GotYourBack is a great way to get involved and play a more active role in the lives of these young people. You can do that through mentoring programs or by getting involved in other community activities.

Who it helps

At-risk teens and young adults

Suitable for

Individuals, ecclesias or CYCs

What you get

24 backpacks, phone wallets, help cards, bracelets

What you give

Backpacks, daily essentials, time, compassion and the opportunity to preach

How it Works

Fill out the registration form below
After receiving the backpacks, connect with an outreach organization to discuss needs
Purchase practical items to include in each backpack
Donate the backpacks!
“We assembled backpacks to be donated to a local shelter that serves homeless teens and young adults. [We were told] the backpacks would be very helpful for young people who are trying to get a job and get on their feet. We have donated to this shelter a few times and are developing a relationship with the people who run it. We hope to get more involved with some of their efforts in the future.”
Baltimore Ecclesia, Maryland

Register now

Fill out the form below and once we’ve verified you are a Christadelphian, we will coordinate the delivery of 24 backpacks and supporting material for your donation to a local outreach group specializing in at-risk young adults. Add-ons include Bibles and a grant to help with costs associated with purchasing supplies.
If you have any questions, please email

The following items are included in your Got Your Back registration:



Adhesive Cell Phone Card Holders
“I am with you always” – Jesus

Plastic Cards – HelpLine
Canada & U.S.

Silicone Bracelets

“I am with you always” – Jesus
“I will never forsake you” – God

Download a PDF of a printable gift card holder! Perfect for gift cards to include your donation.

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Personal Details

NOTE: If the Ecclesia and Secretary don't match our records, your request will be rejected. As much as we'd like to open our initiatives up to everyone, they are currently for Christadelphians only.

Shipping Details

Delivery Address


Would you like your order to include 24 Bibles?
Do you require a $100USD ($135CAD) grant to help with costs to fill the backpacks with practical supplies?

Additional Details

We ask you to submit a short report on your experience, along with a few photographs. Can we share your report on social media and/or our website?
How did you hear about this initiative?

Please Note: It is our duty as custodians of the funds that have been generously donated to ensure they are being used by Christadelphians to serve their local communities. To this end, a follow up email or telephone interview may be required before requests are accepted. Thank you for your understanding.

An “at-risk” teen is a young person who is less likely
to transition successfully into adulthood.
Find out why we’re offering the Got Your Back initiative.