“For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore I command you, saying, ‘You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and poor in your land.’” ~ Deuteronomy 15:11
Register with Food4Friends and receive a $100USD ($135CAD) grant to buy food for donation to a local charity. It’s that easy!
In the United States and Canada, almost 40 million people, including 6 million children, live in a food-insecure household. The Food4Friends initiative inspires ecclesias, individual brothers and sisters, and families with small children to learn about God and His created natural world, the value of food grown in the earth, and our responsibility to provide food for the hungry. There is much we can do to help those who hunger.

Who it helps
Individuals and families who use food banks/pantries.

Suitable for
Individuals, families with children, ecclesias, CYCs or Sunday Schools

What you get
$100USD grant

What you give
Food, time and compassion
How it Works
receive the $100USD grant
food bank/pantry or local outreach group!

“I chose to donate to the Saanich Peninsula Lions foodbank. I gave them a call in advance to see what their most needed items were, and they asked for anything that helps stretch a meal (pastas, rice, etc), I grocery shopped the day before, and then dropped everything off over my lunch break. It couldn’t have been easier. Thanks again for your work in providing this program.”
Register now
but also empowers individuals to break the cycle of poverty.