We’re happy to share the following stories and experiences, as written by individuals and ecclesias who have participated in outreach initiatives.
Our hope is that by sharing these stories, others will be encouraged and inspired to do the same whenever the opportunity arises (Galatians 6:10).
Care Packs
January 2025
Barrie Christadelphians
Local outreach shelterBarrie
Our ecclesia matched the funds and we had many members supply some of the bags contents. We were able to purchase 24 backpacks and fill them with toiletries, socks, mitts and coffee gift cards. They will be dropped to a local shelter this week and their outreach van will distribute to those experiencing homelessness. Here …
Bags of Love
December 2024
Lancaster Christadelphians
Brother Jim and Sister Dolly Windham, Lancaster, PA Ecclesia, giving sleeping bags and blankets to Bob Knorr a representative of Tenfold, a non profit agency in Lancaster, PA. Tenfold created a temporary shelter for those in need during the cold weather. A permanent shelter will open by Christmas at another facility. Tenfold deals with those …
Bags of Love, Boxes of Love, Knit2Gether
December 2024
Stoughton Christadelphians
The Stoughton (Boston) ecclesia combined Bags of Love, CarePacks and items made in the Knit2Gether group to donate to a Shelter for Homeless Women & Children. In the CarePack backpacks we included personal care items, snacks, socks, and winter hats and gloves. (Instead of: Chapstick, Comb, Deodorant, Tissues, Bandaids, Socks, Winter Hats & Gloves, Toothpaste, …
October 2024
Los Angeles
Local schoolSanta Ana, CA
Thank you once again for our wonderful gift of backpacks. The children who received them are in a very challenging inner-city neighborhood in Santa Ana, CA. The area is low income, immigrants, delayed academic levels and surrounded by gang activity. The teachers at the school took time to find children who really needed the backpack …
October 2024
Toronto West Christadelphians
Local youth shelterToronto
Thanks to all those who contributed some items to go into the TW GOT YOUR BACK campaign. We assembled 24 backpacks to be donated to a local shelter that serves homeless teens and young adults. The backpacks, filled with practical supplies, will be very helpful for young people who are trying to get a job …
August 2024
Barrie Women & Children's ShelterBarrie, Ontario
We are very thankful for the grant received from the Garden and chose to donate healthy food snacks to The Women & Children’s Shelter in Barrie. The shelter, committed to ending the cycle of violence, provides a safe refuge with 27 beds and emergency support services for women and their children experiencing abuse. We enjoyed …
August 2024
Local Food BankPicton, Ontario
We stuffed 24 backpacks for distribution. The food bank folks were very happy to receive these as there is great need for the young families in our community. We will also be providing school snacks. The backpack initiative was a great project for our ecclesia here in Picton. We had as many involved as we …
August 2024
Northgate Moorestown, NJ
With our Father’s blessing, The Moorestown Ecclesia successfully filled 48 Garden backpacks with school supplies and donated them to a local social service organization. Sisters, friends and Sunday School students created an assembly line and the task was completed with enthusiasm. We even had extra supplies (which were needed) to donate to the organization. We …
August 2024
Meriden Christadelphians
Chapel Street Elementary SchoolConnecticut
We had another successful Kits4Kids project in Meriden. As usual, it was an ecclesia-wide effort again this year. Once again, the packs went to the Chapel Street Elementary School in Stratford, CT, where Bro. Jason Cicero is Asst. Principal.
July 2024
Project Hope AllianceLos Angeles, CA
Thank you so much for the backpacks [provided] to the LA ecclesia! We donated them to a local charity called Project Hope Alliance that serves over 400 housing-insecure kids in Orange County. We often donate to them for other events, so they are very appreciative of our continued support of their efforts. Each backpack contained: …