Bags of Love - sleeping bag initiative logo


“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” ~ Philippians 2:4

With Bags of Love, we send you 20 sleeping bags for you to donate to your local homeless shelter or outreach organization. It’s that easy!

Why Bags of Love? Homelessness is a crisis of epidemic proportions in North America. We have all seen the rise of tent cities in urban centres including Washington, San Fransisco, Seattle and Toronto, and the sight of men and women sleeping unsheltered at night is unfortunately all too common. On any given night, there are roughly 600,000 people who are homeless in the U.S. and 35,000 in Canada. Bags of Love encourages Christadelphians in North America to make a connection with a local outreach group to help with the distribution of the donated sleeping bags. Beyond just the physical comfort a sleeping bag provides, there’s also an important emotional boost. Knowing that someone cares enough to provide a sleeping bag can lift their spirits and offer a sense of dignity.

Who it helps

Unsheltered homeless in your community

Suitable for

Individuals, ecclesias or CYCs

What you get

20 sleeping bags

What you give

Sleeping bags, time, compassion and the opportunity to preach

How it Works

Fill out the registration form below
After receiving the sleeping bags, connect with an outreach organization
Compile preaching material
and/or practical supplies to include
with the donation
Donate the sleeping bags!
Bags of Love Christadelphians
Christadelphians Bags of Love Initiative
Christadelphian Sleeping bag initiative
“[The outreach organization] were as happy to get them as we were to be able to give them. As brethren in Christ we should “live to give” not only to each other, but to those who may still be strangers to Christ and the Gospel. The sleeping bags, a practical gift of love and the message they bring, will bring some comfort now; but, they may be a seed planted which will grow into a long-term relationship with God and his Son.
New Hampshire Ecclesia, New Hampshire

Register now

Fill out the form below and once we’ve verified you are a Christadelphian, we will coordinate the delivery of 20 sleeping bags for your donation to a local outreach charity. Add-ons include postcards with space to include a personalized message, a generic pamphlet introducing recipients to your ecclesia, and 20 warm blankets for those in colder climates.
If you have any questions, please email
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Personal Details

NOTE: If the Ecclesia and Secretary don't match our records, your request will be rejected. As much as we'd like to open our initiatives up to everyone, they are currently for Christadelphians only.

Shipping Details

Delivery Address

Donation Details


Would you like any of the following to include with your sleeping bags? (Check all that apply)

If you would like to include care packs with your sleeping bag donation, a grant is available to help with costs.
Be sure to fill out the Care Pack grant registration form after you've submitted this form.

Other Details

We ask you to submit a short report on your experience, along with a few photographs. Can we share your report on social media and/or our website?
How did you hear about this initiative?

Please Note: It is our duty as custodians of the funds that have been generously donated to ensure they are being used by Christadelphians to serve their local communities. To this end, a follow up email or telephone interview may be required before requests are accepted. Thank you for your understanding.

Sleeping unsheltered can have serious consequences
on an individual’s health and well-being.
Find out why Bags of Love and other similar initiatives are important for the wellbeing of the less fortunate.

We’re blessed to be able to provide the resources for this initiative at no cost to you or your ecclesia. If you’re interested in making a financial donation to help offset some of the expenses, we would be incredibly thankful. Through your generosity, The Garden will continue to share exciting new opportunities to inspire our community reach out to those most in need. Donations can be made on our donation page or the WCF website.