January 2021
Alan & Ruthanne Giordano
Morristown, New Jersey
Recipient: Morristown Medical Center   Initiative: Grants

Here are the photos from dropping food off for the doctors, nurses, and staff who cared for Josie Giordano during her last three weeks, at Morristown Medical Center.

The food went to the hospital unit where Josie was first admitted (5th floor), and also at the Hospice Unit (3rd floor).

Left to right in the bottom picture are: Alan, Ruthanne, and Joanne Giordano, the Hospice social worker, and the Hospice nurse.

Because of Covid we could only go to the front desk, and the staff met us there. The food is behind the social worker and nurse – you can see a bit of the food to the right of the hospice nurse. I asked to get the food in the picture, but it didn’t show up well, and we had to leave quickly (Covid restrictions). That’s why I took a separate picture of the food beforehand.

It doesn’t show well, but the food trays are double-stacked.

Thank you so much for letting us shine God’s light during and through this hard time after Sister Josie fell asleep.

God bless you and all your work,
Alan & Ruthanne Giordano