The Garden’s mission is to inspire the North American Christadelphian community to share Christ’s love through outreach initiatives that show compassion to our neighbours and provide assistance for their immediate needs.

Outreach and Initiatives

Join an outreach initiative! There are many ways to get involved in outreach. The following initiatives are available, all of which can be joined at any time. Thank you for your support! If you have any questions, just email us.


Register today and receive a cash grant of $100USD ($135CAD) to purchase and donate food to a local charity. Involving our children in this initiative helps show them they too can make a positive difference in the lives of others. Download the free activity books! PreK – Grade 2 or Grade 3 – 6


Register and receive 24 FREE backpacks to support children affected by poverty. Donate to a local outreach group, make a connection, and show the love of Christ to people in need.

Bags of Love

Please help the homeless this year and donate sleeping bags to your local charity! Sign up today and we will send you 20 FREE sleeping bags to donate to your local homeless shelter.


Educating and empowering individuals, ecclesias and CYCs to serve at-risk teens and young adults in their community. Register today to receive 24 FREE backpacks for you to fill with practical essentials.


For those who enjoy knitting, join us on Zoom as we come together as a group to knit gloves, hats and scarves for the North American homeless.

Care Packs

Assemble and donate care packs to your local charity! The Garden will provide a grant to you or your ecclesia for up to $250USD ($335CDN) to cover some of the costs associated with purchasing items.

Stories and Experiences

Bags of Love
October 2020
Picton Ecclesia
Ontario, Canada
On behalf of our Garden Outreach Initiative, today Dave and I delivered several items to Kate’s Rest Foundation on Big Island. Brian Hart was very appreciative of the many items. We delivered 11 sleeping bags, 19 Gift Bags, 2 new pillows, 2 new Large T-Shirts, extra bottles of hand sanitizers and a new large winter … Continue reading

One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.

Proverbs 11:24-25