The Garden’s mission is to inspire the North American Christadelphian community to share Christ’s love through outreach initiatives that show compassion to our neighbours and provide assistance for their immediate needs.

Outreach and Initiatives

Join an outreach initiative! There are many ways to get involved in outreach. The following initiatives are available, all of which can be joined at any time. Thank you for your support! If you have any questions, just email us.


Register today and receive a cash grant of $100USD ($135CAD) to purchase and donate food to a local charity. Involving our children in this initiative helps show them they too can make a positive difference in the lives of others. Download the free activity books! PreK – Grade 2 or Grade 3 – 6


Register and receive 24 FREE backpacks to support children affected by poverty. Donate to a local outreach group, make a connection, and show the love of Christ to people in need.

Bags of Love

Please help the homeless this year and donate sleeping bags to your local charity! Sign up today and we will send you 20 FREE sleeping bags to donate to your local homeless shelter.


Educating and empowering individuals, ecclesias and CYCs to serve at-risk teens and young adults in their community. Register today to receive 24 FREE backpacks for you to fill with practical essentials.


For those who enjoy knitting, join us on Zoom as we come together as a group to knit gloves, hats and scarves for the North American homeless.

Care Packs

Assemble and donate care packs to your local charity! The Garden will provide a grant to you or your ecclesia for up to $250USD ($335CDN) to cover some of the costs associated with purchasing items.

Stories and Experiences

Bags of Love
January 2021
St Paul Ecclesia
Anoka, Minnesota
The St. Paul ecclesia delivered 20 sleeping bags to the local Stepping Stone homeless shelter. They were extremely grateful to receive this donation and they plan to hand these out to individuals who are on their waiting list. The pandemic has had a huge impact on homeless shelters. They have 66 beds at this shelter … Continue reading
January 2021
Portland Ecclesia
Cottage Grove, OR
My husband Eric and I live 150 miles away from our ecclesia in the Portland area. We were very happy that WCF enabled us to deliver 20 sleeping bags to an organization in our local community of Cottage Grove, Oregon. We selected Looking Glass Community Services’ Rural Program. This wonderful organization provides a safe drop-in … Continue reading
Bags of Love
January 2021
Keene Family
Kingston, Ontario
Q:Who you are (ecclesia / group)? A: Justin & Abi Keene, Mike & Sharon Keene, Kingston, Ontario Ecclesia Q: Which charity was the recipient of your donation? A: Community Friends in Motion Q: What does your charity do? A: “We are a group of friends in Kingston Ontario who volunteer to serve our community by … Continue reading
Bags of Love
January 2021
Ann Arbor Ecclesia
Ann Arbor, Michigan
I really appreciate this effort that The Garden has put together and look forward to participating more in the future. I had ordered the sleeping bags and had them sent directly to the homeless shelter. The Delonis Center is a homeless shelter in Ann Arbor, Michigan which my ecclesia (Ann Arbor) and I have been … Continue reading
January 2021
Alan & Ruthanne Giordano
Morristown, New Jersey
Here are the photos from dropping food off for the doctors, nurses, and staff who cared for Josie Giordano during her last three weeks, at Morristown Medical Center. The food went to the hospital unit where Josie was first admitted (5th floor), and also at the Hospice Unit (3rd floor). Left to right in the … Continue reading
Bags of Love
January 2021
Church of the Blessed Hope, Ohio
Painesville Township, Ohio
The Garden’s “Bags of Love” Winter Appeal Report The Garden’s 20 sleeping bags, plus Blessing Bags, were donated to Sub Zero Mission, located locally: 760 North Ridge Road, Painesville Township, OH 44077 (  Sub Zero Mission helps those affected by homeless stay warm during the winter months by providing hats, coats, gloves, boots, sleeping bags, … Continue reading
Bags of Love
January 2021
Schooleys Mountain Ecclesia
Morristown, New Jersey
Here is the photo when we dropped the sleeping bags off at Nourish NJ on behalf of Schooley’s Mt. Ecclesia. They were so, SO excited the sleeping bags were rated for sub-zero temperatures. Nourish NJ badly needed cold-weather sleeping bags. Before we dropped these 20 sleeping bags off they had nothing to keep the homeless … Continue reading
Bags of Love
January 2021
Baltimore-Washington, CYC
Rockville, Maryland
A few members of the Baltimore-Washington CYC, visited the Stepping Stones Shelter in Rockville, MD, to donate the sleeping bags. We were met outside by the executive director who was very grateful for the bags. This shelter provides housing for families affected by homelessness. Continue reading
Bags of Love
December 2020
Vancouver Ecclesia
Surrey, British Columbia
We donated 3 of the sleeping bags to a family in need. The other 17 we donated to a community kitchen that provides food and shelter to the homeless. Everyone was so grateful. Continue reading
Bags of Love
December 2020
Simi Hills Sisters’ Class
Southern California
The Sisters of the Simi Hills Ecclesia (Southern California) were able to deliver 40 Bags of Love/Care Packages to Interface Children and Family Services a few days before Christmas. Interface supports six different shelters in our county; some of the shelters are for survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking, and some are for youth … Continue reading
Bags of Love
December 2020
Oregon Coast Ecclesia
Newport, Oregon
We delivered our sleeping bags to the local Homeless Shelter yesterday, Grace Wins Haven in Newport, Or. It was starting to rain and there were lines of people needing help, standing outside. This was best photo we could get as people are only allowed inside one at a time. It is called shelter, but really … Continue reading
Bags of Love
December 2020
Boston Ecclesia
Boston, Massachusetts
Greetings in The Lord, The Boston Ecclesia donated the sleeping bags to a Boston area day community called Women’s Lunch Place. They serve women who have experienced trauma, abuse and loss. We felt that perhaps these women may be open to hearing the Good News. The postcards with the Bible verse were filled out with … Continue reading

One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.

Proverbs 11:24-25