The Garden’s mission is to inspire the North American Christadelphian community to share Christ’s love through outreach initiatives that show compassion to our neighbours and provide assistance for their immediate needs.

Outreach and Initiatives

Join an outreach initiative! There are many ways to get involved in outreach. The following initiatives are available, all of which can be joined at any time. Thank you for your support! If you have any questions, just email us.


Register today and receive a cash grant of $100USD ($135CAD) to purchase and donate food to a local charity. Involving our children in this initiative helps show them they too can make a positive difference in the lives of others. Download the free activity books! PreK – Grade 2 or Grade 3 – 6


Register and receive 24 FREE backpacks to support children affected by poverty. Donate to a local outreach group, make a connection, and show the love of Christ to people in need.

Bags of Love

Please help the homeless this year and donate sleeping bags to your local charity! Sign up today and we will send you 20 FREE sleeping bags to donate to your local homeless shelter.


Educating and empowering individuals, ecclesias and CYCs to serve at-risk teens and young adults in their community. Register today to receive 24 FREE backpacks for you to fill with practical essentials.


For those who enjoy knitting, join us on Zoom as we come together as a group to knit gloves, hats and scarves for the North American homeless.

Care Packs

Assemble and donate care packs to your local charity! The Garden will provide a grant to you or your ecclesia for up to $250USD ($335CDN) to cover some of the costs associated with purchasing items.

Stories and Experiences

March 2021
Kenzie Family
British Columbia, Canada
The Veggie Growing Kit arrived in the mail just days after ordering. What a great kit!  It contains everything you need to plant four different vegetables –  pots, coir soil pods, seeds, manual and moisture meter. All you need to do is add water to the coir pods and watch as they instantly expand to … Continue reading
Bags of Love
March 2021
Church of the Blessed Hope, Unionville
Panesville, Ohio
We dropped off 20 sleeping bags to Sub Zero Mission located in Panesville, Ohio.  They help the homeless stay warm by providing sleeping bags, coats, hats, boots, gloves. They collect these items and deliver them to the unsheltered homeless, during winter in northeast Ohio and other regions. We also work with other organizations to find … Continue reading
Bags of Love
February 2021
Langlois Ecclesia
Coos Bay, Oregon
We became aware of the Devereax Center for the homeless quite a few years ago. We have supported them over the years with clothing and food donations. So when the bags of love came up we automatically thought of them. Inside the top of each sleeping bag we included a New Testament in the new … Continue reading
February 2021
Pittman Family
Norfolk, Virginia
My daughter and I have been knitting items – hats and Easter bunnies – to donate to children in foster care. To find somewhere to drop off the items locally, I searched Facebook for groups to donate to and one called JJ Bags came up.   The objective of JJ Bags matched what we were looking … Continue reading
Bags of Love
February 2021
Los Angeles Ecclesia
Whittier, California
Dear WCF and the Garden Outreach Project, Greetings from Southern California! Thank you for your compassionate efforts. I received the sleeping bags last week, it took me a few days to get in contact with a shelter in my area. Originally I wanted to give them to a woman’s and children’s crisis center, but I … Continue reading
Bags of Love
February 2021
Richmond Christadelphian Chapel
Richmond, Virginia
February 8, 2021 Dear Garden Outreach, On Saturday, December 30th 2021, the Richmond Christadelphian Chapel’s outreach committee was able to organize and facilitate a day to put together care packs with other members of the chapel while following COVID-19 guidelines. Before December 30th the Chapel’s outreach committee reached out to members of chapel and listed … Continue reading
Bags of Love
January 2021
Saanich Peninsula Ecclesia
Victoria, British Columbia
My brother contacted me to let me know that someone we both care about very much was in the Sandy Merriman Shelter for homeless women in Victoria BC. By the time we got a gift to bring the individual of concern, she had already moved on, deciding not to accept the shelter and rehabilitation program … Continue reading
January 2021
How to make blankets, hats and mittens if you can’t knit or crochet
Melinda Flatley, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
I love your Knit2Gether idea for The Garden…to start now and stockpile knitted items for distribution to those in need. The thought occurs that many people do not know how to knit (or crochet), but there are still ways for them to contribute. I love the idea of turning thrift store sweaters into hats and … Continue reading
Bags of Love
January 2021
Vortriede Family
Cottage Grove, Oregon
My husband Eric and I live 150 miles away from our ecclesia in the Portland area. We were very happy that WCF enabled us to deliver 20 sleeping bags to an organization in our local community of Cottage Grove, Oregon. We selected Looking Glass Community Services’ Rural Program. This wonderful organization provides a safe drop-in … Continue reading
Bags of Love
January 2021
Treasure Coast Ecclesia
Palm Beach County, Florida
The Treasure Coast FL ecclesia assembled 24 care packs in January and delivered them to Adopt-a-Family shelter on January 23. Most all of the contents were purchased from online. The bags themselves were sewn by ecclesial members from fabric left over from previous sewing projects. Each bag came with handles. The bags contained a … Continue reading
January 2021
I can’t knit very well, but there’s a solution!
Joiner Family, Beaverton, Oregon
Getting Started When lockdown started back in March 2020, life slowed down for me. I home educate my two children (11 & 13) and usually we were out of the house every day attending classes at the Village Home Education Center, Beaverton, Oregon. I also taught some High School writing classes there, and worked as … Continue reading
Bags of Love
January 2021
Toronto North Ecclesia
Toronto, Ontario
A little bit about your chosen charity and its work We donated the 20 sleeping bags to the Rexdale Community Hub. This is the closest charity to our ecclesia and they assist many youth affected by homelessness, who are also without shelter. The Manager said the bags would be heavily used. The impact on you … Continue reading

One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.

Proverbs 11:24-25